SERCONS Group includes its own product certification body, which is accredited by the Federal Service for Accreditation (RusAccreditation) to carry out the required tasks to confirm the compliance of products for the requirements of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 032/2013 «On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure».
Our specialists will professionally, accurately and in detail consult you on all arising questions, help make the necessary documents correctly, and choose the best scheme of certification.
We provide the following services for our customers:
- Certification of equipment;
- Declaration of equipment;
- Development of technical documentation (technical passport, safety justification, operating manual);
- Certification of QMS within the framework of ISO 9001;
- Consulting.
Together with the certification procedure for the requirements of the Technical Regulations 032/2013, we provide the services of our non-destructive testing laboratory to determine the remaining life of equipment and technology, conduct weld inspections, acoustic emissions, etc.
In our work we use high-tech modern equipment, and our experts have a proper level of expertise and have considerable experience in conducting research in this field.
This technical regulation applies to the following types of equipment:
- Vessels for liquids and gases with a pressure in excess of 0.05 MPa.
- Boilers and vessels with fire heating designed to produce hot water, the temperature of which is over 110 degrees Celsius, or steam, excess pressure is more than 0.05 MPa.
- Elements of equipment (assembly units) and components for it, intended for placement on equipment and withstanding the impact of pressure.
- Pipelines with a maximum allowable working pressure of over 0.05 MPa, a nominal diameter greater than 25, designed for gases, vapors and liquids.
- Valves for liquids and gases with a nominal diameter greater than 25 and maximum allowable working pressure of more than 0.05 MPa.
- Indicating and safety devices.
- Pressure chambers (except for single medical).
- Devices and safety equipment.
Confirmation of compliance
When carrying out conformity assessment of the equipment, the applicant forms a set of documents for equipment that confirms compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation in accordance with paragraph 45, which includes:
- Safety Justification
- Technical Passport
- Manual
- Set of design documents;
- Information about the tests, measurements;
- Test reports of equipment carried out by the manufacturer, authorized person by the manufacturer and (or) an accredited testing laboratory;
- Results of strength calculations;
- Technological regulations and information on the technological process (data on materials used, semi-finished products, components, welding materials, methods and parameters of welding and heat treatment modes, methods and results of non-destructive testing);
- A document detailing the characteristics of materials and components (if any);
- Documents detailing the qualifications of the specialists and employees of the manufacturer;
Design safety requirements
When designing, all possible types of hazards must be identified for ensuring explosion safety, mechanical safety, fire safety, thermal safety, electrical safety, climatic and seismic conditions, environmental aggressiveness and wind loads at all stages of the life cycle.
In order to ensure safety when designing the equipment:
- it is necessary to comply with the basic safety requirements specified in Appendix No. 2 to TR CU 032/2013.
- When designing the equipment, a Safety Justification should be developed, which is a document containing a risk assessment, as well as information about the design, technological and operational documentation on the minimum necessary safety measures accompanying the equipment at all stages of the life cycle.
During the manufacture and installation of equipment operating under excessive pressure, safety devices must be ensured that their compliance coincides with the project documentation and TR CU 032/2013.
Important: The Certificate of Conformity of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union can be drawn up both for goods produced by the countries of the Customs Union, and for goods of foreign manufacturers. The requirements for foreign products and products of the Customs Union are the same, and the certification schemes also coincide.